Saturday, August 17, 2013

Being fair

We just got back from another business trip, Vietnam this time.  Since it was a last minute trip, the husband could not get away from work.  Luckily, my sister was able to join us.

Every business trip is a family affair for us, since arrangements also have to be made for our daughter.  I am fortunate to have a family who would go the extra mile (maybe even a few thousand miles in our case, both literally and figuratively) just to help us out.

During my trip, I met up with a lady CEO who was very surprised when she found out I brought my baby with me.  So, I told her: "I am doing this because I want to be fair to my daughter."  This statement actually made her stop and think if she had been fair to her own children during her pursuit of a Master's degree and a PhD.

My statement has also made me stop and think.  In fact, I am still thinking about it until now.  Bringing my daughter on all my trips is very taxing for everyone involved, even for her, since she has to get used to a new environment every time.  It is not only physically tiring, it is also financially not beneficial as well.

But despite everything, I still choose to bring her with me.  I do not want to deprive my daughter of my love, attention, and time just because I need to earn a living.  Although,we, as parents, are working hard for her future, it does not justify letting her grow up without her parents' love and care.  Even if it means being able to work only after she goes to bed at night (and working until the wee hours of the morning) to meet deadlines and finish presentations.

I believe it is this feeling of love and importance she is receiving that has made her become the baby that she is - happy, loving, and sweet.

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