Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A blessing or a struggle?

Today, as we celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary, I come to the realization that we have come a long way.

We started our married life overseas, away from family and friends.  It was okay at first, when it was just the two of us.  But, once the kids came, I used to always think that I was at a disadvantage compared to the locals because we did not have our families to help us.  It was made especially hard because we didn't know how we would balance work and taking care of our tiny humans.  

I used to envy my friends because they can leave their little ones with their parents and just pick them up after work, while I did not have that option.  It takes a village to raise a child.  But my village consisted of two people, myself and the hubby.  Sure, we had a helper in the house.  But, it is hard to leave your little one with a stranger you know nothing about.

So, despite now being a village of 3 people, we still did most of the caring for the child between the two of us.  Believe me, the struggle is real.  The stress is real!  When you're at work, your mind is preoccupied thinking how your little one is doing.  When you get home, you have to express milk, let the baby latch on, do the laundry, sterilize bottles, shower the baby, and do chores and feed yourself.

But now, as I look back at the last seven years, I feel blessed to have done it without our extended families for the most part.  This made our family closer to each other. 

This made days off cherished moments together.  This made us excited to come home at the end of the day just to be together as a family.  This made every time together a happy one.This made us look forward to spending time with each other after a long day.

Our work schedules also do not follow the normal 9-5 routine, so every time we have a semblance of a normal work schedule, we savor each moment.  And because it is just the four of us for the better part of the year ( our families do visit from time to time), this experience has really made our family grow emotionally.

Everything is done as a unit of four.  Our world revolves around each other.  We only had to adjust to each other's quirks, no one else's.  We also always still find new things to do together as a family.

What used to be a struggle, is actually now a blessing.  And I am thankful for that. We also became stronger people because of this experience, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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